The last months I was just busy cranking out new Memorión versions, therefore this blog has been neglected a bit. But it was worth it!
Version 5 has become much simpler, especially for the new user.
Memorión starts now with a very cleaned up user interface, having clever automatisms work in the background. And when you become a Memorión expert, all the functions you are missing on the other flashcard programs are becoming visible and you gain full control.
Additionally, Version 5 let's already the beginner use all registers of the powerful learning engine (that previously only advanced and expert users had access to), while hiding its details completely.
Notifications will help you keeping up with learning.
v5.02 brings some tweaks and bugfixes, so now I can concentrate on the next developments.
And not to completely forget about the versions not receiving a post before:
v4.8x: you can share databases, stacks, cards, plots; weekly updates to cloud services
v4.7x: better ColorDict support, more plots and many, many bugfixes
v4.6x: learning model now incorporates delayed repeats for more efficient short-term learning
Have fun never forgetting again...