Wish List

Please add your wishes in the comments, thanks


  1. Would it be possible to implement an examples type of card, for times where you need to study a rule more than a single word and don't want to just memorize the rule for a single word (such as plural formation). In my mind it allows you to have multiple examples of a rule each with its own answer, and when the card comes up it chooses a random example to test you on. Another possibility I have thought of is 3 or more sided cards, where after answering the base question it will immediately go on to a related question (again, could be used for plural formations).

    1. Hi Paul,
      let me rephrase the feature that you are interested in (to make sure, I understood you correctly):
      a) the card should have n different questions (n is e.g. 4), that all lead to the same correct answer
      b) the card has n) questions with n corresponding correct answers

      in the case of b) I would just generate n cards (maybe as Brother cards, so you can have common extra information on these

      I have given case a) some thought before, my idea would be to put in the question either a ';' separated list of questions or something like this:
      - Question1
      - Question2
      - Question3
      - Question4
      meaning separating them by a newline and a '-' or a '*'

      so far none of the ideas made it to the top of the ToDo list, convince me that they should ;-)


    2. b would be more acurate, with the addition of only showing one question/answer each time it comes up, I am worried that if I make brother cards it will add all of them in the rotation on individual trackings, or am I misunderstanding that feature?

    3. Hi Paul
      yes, you understood correctly, all of them would be in the rotation independently, and that is a good thing. Because your brain memorizes each of the pairs differently well and why should remembering one pair worse than the others drag those down.
      If you want to learn them as an ensemble I would put all the other pairs in one of the other fields. This way you can refresh them as a set, but I would grade myself only on the pair in question.
      Having more cards with easy to remember answers is always better then to have a few difficult ones. To my experience, easy cards you see 7 times in your life-time, those don't bother me.
      See also here how to generate good cards: http://www.supermemo.com/articles/20rules.htm

      Sorry for my talking and talking, but this is a topic close to my heart.


      PS: How about a function to generate this set of brother cards semi-automatic from one card? Perhaps like this:
      - you have a card with n questions and n answers, separated be newlines:
      Field 1:

      and after the function you have 3 cards like this
      Question2: Answer2
      Question3: Answer3

      Question1: Answer1
      Question3: Answer3

      Question1: Answer1
      Question2: Answer2

      If you are interested, we can discuss where to put this function, how to name it and the other details. I have some other related functions in mind, could be interesting.

    4. I think I'll just have to practice the rules outside of the app. I don't want to be stuck creating a card for every possible outcome of the rules, I want to be able to study the rules, the examples were just a way to practice the actual application. Ex. I don't want to have to put a card for every pluralized word, I want to make a "pluralization rule" card for the rules on how to pluralize something, I was just hoping to put a list of words in the card to practice with, but only showing one word each time the "pluralization rule" card came up. That way the rule itself has its timer set, and if I am getting it then I don't need to go through countless other pluralized words.

      Maybe I'm asking too much, maybe I'm not able to explain what I'm thinking well enough. Heck, maybe it is just a stupid idea, I don't know. Thank you for the time you have taken to try to figure this out with me though.

    5. The reason I am so focused on the examples thing is because the language I am studying is a bit complicated with the pluralization. If I study individual plurals I may never learn the rules and will have to memorize each words plural, instead of memorizing the rules that I can apply to any word I am learning.

      The language is Tolkien's Sindarin, by the way.

    6. Arabic has also very irregular plurals. There I learnt the plurals directly with the word itself (in the vocabulary list). For the general forms (the grammar) I had cards as well, each with one ore two examples in the extra fields.

  2. Another function I thought of is to allow an easy syncing between reversed stacks, preferably being able to choose how many cards at once. I started with just one direction before creating a reversed stack and would rather not have to make a physical list of the words I have on either side to add from the other.

    1. Could you elaborate, since I don't exactly understand what you are asking for, what do you mean by: syncing between reversed stacks?
      In Memorión, the way to learn cards in a different direction is to make a copy into a neighboring stack and choose a mapping for this stack with a different asking direction. Being copied and in neighboring substacks, the respective cards are automatically 'Twins', meaning they are both updated when one of them is edited.
      If you choose not to update the other, they are called 'Brothers'. There is a fancy algorithm in place to allow further common updates, even though the cards are not identical anymore.
      I implemented this behavior, because if you learn many words in one language it is not only that you have several translations for the foreign into your native language but also vice versa. Therefore the different asking directions needed to be allowed to be different.
      Please also look at the FAQ 'Multi-directional learning'

      BTW, with version 4.10 released, I started thinking about a function to split cards into several (as discussed in the above discussion). If you are interested in becoming a beta tester on this, I would need you gmail address to include you.

  3. It might already be there, I just don't realize it. But I was hoping for an easy way to sync cards in my english to sindarin stack that match up with cards I have already begun to master from the sindarin to english stack. preferably in a chosen amount at a time (I think I have a bunch like that)

    1. Now I understand you wish that you had in you previous comment better.
      I assume that you have one large Sindarin to English stack that you have partially committed over time. When going in reverse you want of course commit the cards in this second stack in roughly the same order.

      This is an interesting idea, but with the automatism you envision difficult to implement right away. But I am intrigued by I and will think about it.

      The reason I never really came across this issue is that I add new cards in form of chuncks of 50-100 cards per substack. I first learn one direction and when I have the feeling I know this well (2 stars or so) I start learning the other direction. When both directions are committed, I merge both with the large stacks for each direction.

      So how can you emulate this? :
      - go into ExpertMode, EditTab
      - make a manual backup Export/Backup (just in case...)
      - go into the list of cards that are partially committed
      - tab on the DataAndSort button on the top right, add DateCommitted into the 3rd field in the left column, set all sort order to None, except the 3rd you set to (a>z), Done (now the list is sorted by commitment date

      now there are two ways to continue, one involving directly copying card, the other generating appropriate substacks

      1) direct copying
      - select the first 50 cards in the list (you can speed this up by swiping left from the select boxed (c.f. context help of these))
      - copy them
      - go into English->Sindarin stack (which is initially empty)
      - paste the cards
      - reset the cards
      - now you can start committing this stack
      - when the first 50 cards are learnt, you copy the next 50 cards from the other stack and continue (write somewhere down the range you have copied before)

      2) via substacks
      You have to split up the large stack you have already into substacks of 50-100 cards, substacks sorted by commitment date
      - now go one stack level up and select this stack in question
      - use the Split button in the bottom row, use 'every n Cards', chose 50
      - now you can clone each of these substacks, change their asking direction and learn them one by one (I will implement an easy function to clone and change direction in the next version of Memorión)

      don`t worry about trying this, you can always roll back the change by restoring the backup file by Import/Backup, the last file in the list

      That would be the quick fixes you could do, in the long run I will try to find something more automatic, but it won't be easy (on my side)

  4. I obviously don't know the code, so I don't know if this will work. But you already have it able to identify twin cards, couldn't you have it check all commited/partially memorized cards for twin cards, and commit ones that aren't already being studied. It can already commit random cards, so this list of uncommited twins would replace the randomly generated cards. Forgive my ignorant suggestion, again I understand that I don't know the code, just giving my point of view (I am learning programming and have been helped by a nonprogrammer's comment before)

    1. It is not it cannot be done, and I actually find this a very good idea. The issues are based on the fact, that the flashcards are organized in a SQLite database and the columns that hold the twin connections and the commitment information are not so easy (meaning with little computational power/battery consumption) connected in such a way to get the next candidates for commitment. I probably have to define a new column especially for that to make it cheaper computationally (but more expensive memory-wise) but even there I need a good idea.
      As I said, I will think about it.

  5. Thank you for considering it, I have not made apps yet so I have not had to deal with limited memory and power.

  6. Hi my name is Haldun am interested in lang learning according to my experiences making sentences is a very effective way if learning a new language can you add this to your games for example the words will be given in random order and we will make the sentence correctly by clicking on the words they will drop diwn in tge sequence we touch them so if touched i. Cortect sequence the task will be ok__ off course we will be able to create our data base by en/ering our sentences
    My second suvgestion can the mult. Choice game be also done with the pictures attached to the entries i mean the picture appears up and pissible answers below so the user chooses the right one or vice versa the related entry appears above as question and the possible pictures down to select from again answer options can be customizable from to to "n" numbers.
    Looking forward to see thrse features included in this successful app.
    Yours sincerely and many thanks in advance.

  7. Please add more games, like in "Words" app, for exapmle "gather word of letters"

  8. First of all thanks for developing this amazing app.
    What I would wish for would be to compress the backups of the database (at least the .mem files one can backup weekly).
    My database consists of around 3500 cards that were mostly shipped with this app and is around 3.8 MB in size.
    I thought that this size was quite big (no wonder it took long to send via email) so I have tried different compressions with the following results:
    Algorithm | Size after compression
    lz4 | 1.3 MB
    lzma | 0.6 MB
    gzip | 1.0 MB
    So by compression the size (at least of my database) can be reduced by a factor of 3 to 6
    So what I would wish for would be to add an option compress the database that is being backed up

    1. You can read my mind. I have been working on a new zipped file format since a month now, optionally it can also include the image and sound files.

  9. I would like to use Memorion on my phone and on my tablet in parallel. I would synchronis the Memorion folder with for example, syncthing. However, my devices are not rooted, so I can't write to /Android/data/....Is there a way so set a path for the data outside /Android/data/....?

  10. Impressive app.

    A simple suggestion that might increase distribution: enable import from Google Docs and Sheets.

  11. Greetings to all; I initially came to this site looking for a way of creating my own flash cards, and print them. The idea of an app which tests, quizzes, and or validates your knowledge is great. I really like to be able to create and update cards on my PC/laptop. I have not been able to find a pc version of this software. Is there one? Would you point me to it please?

  12. Could you make audio only mode?
    In this mode daily reviewed cards should play the question sound, then wait a time 1,5(or as user set it, better to use X + Y*answer time) and then play the answer.
    It could give great opportunity to study in the car, when you run or walk and so on.
    Also it could write answer for this period of time and play correct answer and users, one by one.
    Also you can make garniture button to show the incorrect answer.
    Also to make it less boring it could store many audio questions for the same answer and take it randomly.

  13. I could not find a way to send you donations. Isn't there any, or did I just not find it?

    If possible, I'd like to use SEPA transactions, because that way most of the money reaches you.

  14. Hi! Would it be possible to add an option for the game modes (e.g. Pick One, Match 'Em) to make them respect my learning progress? So that I will be asked more frequently for vocabulary I don't know so well yet and less frequenty for more matured cards. Just like the "Learn" mode does.

  15. Thanks for this useful app. I admit that it's powerful and works great but I have kind of gotten stuck in some features. Couldn't it be possible to add more fields to one card? I have used the eight of them already and I need one or two extra fields for a right alternative answer to some question or the translation the example I wrote. Help me out please.

  16. I would wish there would be sync

  17. I would wish there would be a desktop client

  18. I would wish there would be a way to transfer Anki decks files into Memorion

  19. Thanks for this great App!
    I just have one problem/suggestion:
    When I use Latex code in the flashcards and I look at such a card while learning it shows me the Latex-Code at first and then it switches to the correct representation after a second or so. As I am for example trying to learn the greek alphabet this way it's a bit of a problem because I can read the name of the letters from the latex-code. Would it be possible to prevent the app from showing the code?

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  21. a really wonderful app!
    For students who use fix books with fix vocabulary it would be great to share the flash cards.
    This is possible through quizlet for example.
    But I found these sites to not be very well structured and everyone has its own stacks, quality is low and there is no real collaboration.
    In Apps like phase6 one can buy these stacks, but they cost like 10 Euros per book, which (to my opinion)
    is very high when compared to the book price. I don't know if there is copyright on these kind of stacks,
    but it would be great to have a site (like quizlet) where parents/students and teachers
    can collaborate on maintaining the flashcards which then can be used in memorion.
    I would be glad to help out making this possible (I work as a programmer myself) so please share me your thoughts on this.

  22. Hello and thank you for this wonderful app!

    I wish there was a possibility to have a card setup like this:
    Field: native language (german in my case)
    Field: foreign language (english)
    Field: explanation/definition of foreign word/phrase in foreign language (english)
    rest of fields as it is

    Asking directions:
    1.) native -> foreign
    2.) foreign -> native
    3.) foreign description -> foreign
    4.) foreign -> foreign description

    without braking any games or other functions. Maybe implementing the feature of freely defined asking directions when using the stack wizard would do the trick BUT why stop using only the first 3 fields? Maybe it could be possible to use any field combination of question field(s) & answer field(s).

    Keep up great work!

    1. You can already use as many fields as you like. You can "map" the fields in expert mode. Expert--> Stack Configuration --> Expert-->Mapping-->Edit-->Change Field Numbers by editing the mapping fields

      This is advanced stuff but the system is not to difficult to understand. You can copy your stack and remap the fieldes. Though for you idea with the description I'd rather create a new stack.

  23. Hello! Thanks for the app, I enjoy using it!

    Would it be possible to create a desktop interface? It doesn't seem comfortable to type in a lot of stuff using smartphone's keyboard.

    Keep up the good work! Thank you!

    1. My workflow:

      1. Create stack in Calc or Excel on your PC, select Copy CTRL+C
      2. Open Paste.ee and paste your data
      3. Open Paste.ee on Android devices browser replace /p/ with /r/ in the web adresse select everything and copy by long pressing your data
      4. Open Memorion and goto import-->Clipboard

      If you've done that a couple of times the transfere takes half a minute for a stack

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  25. There still seems no possiblity to donate anything. I would love to say thanks (So I do here "THANK YOU") with more enthusiasm than this blog post allows.

  26. Hi, I really love your App!
    Maybe you could add a function to also use the App on a PC - So everybody can learn at home comfortably. And the App & PC should be able to syncronize the progress you made. It would also be less complicated to add new words.
    Thank you so much!

  27. Hello,your app is really amazing!
    However, i came across a problem whose solution i cannot find anywhere. I Simply cannot find a way remove all the Duplicate/ similar cards in one of my stacks. I have tried using the “similar cards“ option but it only shows me the similar cards so that i can only remove the Duplicates one by one.
    Is there a way to remove all the Duplicates at once?

    I would really appreciate some help.

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  29. Hello,
    I'm an ESL high school teacher teaching English to Hebrew speaking Israelis. I understand that I can import Anki decks but my issue is working with classes.
    Is there a way to load collections to multiple students?
    Can I as a teacher view student progress/statistics?

  30. Would be great to have a test optionm, that you need to type the word in second language and see the score. It would help to check if the material is learned.

  31. Hello,your app is my favorite learning tool. Really great. I use quite often the "Learn"-Button to learn French (I'm a german native speaker). I learn vocabulary from German to French and then I click several times the "Speaker-Button" to hear the French vocabulary again. But if I learn from French to German I can't click the "speaker-button" for the french vocabulary because the speaker-button" is only for the german vocabulary. My question is, if it would be possible to have the "speaker button" on the question and answer card.

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  33. Dear Volker, I'm trying to create a set of flashcards between DGS (German Sign Language) and German. For the DGS vocab, the most useful thing would be not to take a snapshot but a quick video. As I understand it right now, you can upload a video file but not take a video within the app, is that right? If so, adding that capability would be lovely. Dankeschön

  34. I also realized that all the video files I had linked as 'media' up to this point have disappeared over the weekend... (and a friend of mine who uses the app reports the same)

  35. Thank you for the great and fantastic app! Following a learning guide book for Greek I enter all words manually. It would make entering text much easier if the app could switch keyboard languages automatically, e.g to Greek if the cursor jumps to a Greek field, and German when it is positioned in a German field. It should be possible as Google Translator does exactly this. Thank you!

  36. Hello! I hope someone is still answering on this site. I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to set a maximal of Days before a certain card comes back into the "asking" stack. I like the smart algorithm but i feel, cards should be back at least once a month for me to remember them. Otherwise they are like gone for 1 Year+ and i have no chance. Thank you!

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